07 4638 0035

Monday 9am – 5pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am-7pm

Friday 9am-5pm

Saturday 8am-5pm

Sunday 9am-5pm

*All changeovers scheduled outside 9am-5pm must be booked with a minimum 24hrs notice.

Health Protocol – COVID-19


The health and safety of our families and staff are our top priority and as such there are some additional conditions in place regarding attendance at this Centre for supervised contact visits.

  1. Children or parents that are unwell cannot attend this Centre. If a child or parent arrives at our Centre unwell the visit will be cancelled immediately.
  2. On arrival at the Centre the temperature of all parties attending the Centre will be taken by staff prior to entry to the building. If a temperature above 37.5 degrees is recorded that person will not be able to attend a visit. If a person attending the centre refuses to have their temperature taken the visit will be cancelled.
  3. When arriving at this Centre please wait outside the fenced area or where signs direct you to wait. Do not enter the premises until a staff member asks you to do so. Please do not lean on our fences or gates and maintain social distancing at all times.
  4. Parents and children are required to wash their hands with soap and water upon entering and leaving the building. This is mandatory. Hand sanitiser will also be available throughout the Centre.
  5. There are restrictions on areas of the building that may be used. All areas must be cleaned and sanitized after each family has used that area and therefore you may not be able to enter some areas of the building until this has been completed.
  6. Payment – This centre does not accept cash. All payments must be made by EFTPOS or direct debit. Our bank account details will be supplied to you.
  7. There are restrictions on additional people attending visits and parents are required to attend visits alone. NO additional children or adults are permitted to attend a contact visit.

MASKS - If required under a QLD Health directive

If a parent has an exemption from wearing a mask the following conditions will apply.

  • The visit will be dependent on the availability of a staff member being agreeable to supervise the visit.
  • The visit time may be adjusted to meet the requirements of staff and other clients at this centre.
  • The visit will occur outside at all times.
  • The residential parent will be notified that an exemption has been provided.
  • The visiting children will be encouraged to wear masks.


In the event that your Local Government Area (LGA) goes into lockdown and Toowoomba is not in a lockdown you will not be able to attend our Centre for supervised contact visits or changeovers. When lockdown ends in an LGA, clients returning to our Centre will be required to meet all restrictions (for example mask wearing) that are current in their LGA.

We understand that parents may still be required to meet their Court Orders even when a lockdown has been ordered however you will not be able to attend this Centre. It is recommended you seek legal advice or have back up plans in place if this occurs.

We expect that the current arrangements will be in place for the foreseeable future but will update all families as changes occur.

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