07 4638 0035

Monday 9am – 5pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am-7pm

Friday 9am-5pm

Saturday 8am-5pm

Sunday 9am-5pm

*All changeovers scheduled outside 9am-5pm must be booked with a minimum 24hrs notice.

About TCCC

Background Information

In 1989 the Coordinator of the Toowoomba Community Legal Service identified a need particularly evident in domestic violence cases, for an “access handover service” where access visits for non-residential parents and their children could be arranged in a safe and neutral environment.


Access handovers operated from the Toowoomba Community Legal Services premises until the Access Centre was established as a separate organisation in 1994. The Toowoomba Community Access Association became an incorporated body on the 28th of February 1994 under the Associations Incorporation Act of 1981. The Association now operates the Centre under the trading name Toowoomba Children’s Contact Centre (TCCC).


The primary service provided by the Centre is the facilitation of changeovers and a place for supervised contact visits. Its focus is on the care and safety of children, affording them the opportunity to maintain contact with both parents who are often subject to Domestic and Family Violence Orders or Family Court Orders.


The TCCC relocated to its own premises located at 228 Ruthven Street. Prior to that it operated out of the East Creek Neighbourhood Centre since approximately 1994. As of September 2005 after relocating the TCCC is now open 7 days a week.


The TCCC is partially funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) and has been since October 2000. 

Our Vision

 A place where all children feel valued as individuals, and are able to develop and maintain supportive and nurturing relationships with their family.

Our Mission

To provide a safe, non-threatening, low stress environment which allows children to develop and maintain quality contact with both parents.

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